Do you need more ideas of what you can build with your K’Nex set after using the instructions that were supplied? Or perhaps you need to replace lost or damaged building instructions. There are a few places where you can find K’Nex instructions online and some that you can download.
Almost all of the instructions are in PDF format, so you will need to download a PDF reader if you don’t already have one.
1. Building Instructions
If you are looking for the instructions that came with a particular set click on the link below:
You will need to have your K’Nex building set code or the 5-digit model number (this can be found on the front panel of the package or in the centre of the UPC barcode).
This site will work even if you don’t have the code for your set. You can scroll down and select the set that you are wanting instructions for.
Another site where you can find building instructions is the one below. The instructions are grouped according to the type of K’Nex that you have.
Click on the link below and then select the type of K’Next that you are wanting the building instructions for.
2. Bonus Builds
The bonus builds are a collection of builds that are not included in the instructions that are supplied with the sets. These will give you a whole bunch of new ideas for things you can build with your existing K’Nex sets.
The categories include Coasters, Contraptions, Creatures, Every Day Stuff, Flat Out Fun and Vehicles. Click on the following link and then explore the options.
3. Instructables
There are some model instructions on Instructables and most of these are video-based.
Instructables K’Nex Instructions
A good variety with close to 100 models to choose from. Some are quite easy and others are really big and complex. I am sure you will find something suitable here.
4. K’Nex Roller Coaster Instructions
A collection of instructions for various K’Nex roller coaster models.
You will find a link to a PDF file in the text under each picture. There are 48 models listed with a downloadable PDF file for the instructions (I did not know there were as many as that!)
K’Nex Roller Coaster Instructions
I hope these will help you to find new building ideas or to replace lost building instructions.
If you know of any other good places to find instructions, please let us know in the comments.
Happy building!
Now that you have more building ideas, you will be needing more K’Nex pieces to build your new projects. Take a look at this comparison of 4 basic K’Nex sets. If you are looking for an educational challenge for the children, then take a look at the model bridge building set. Which K’Nex sets do you own?
Wow, I never realized that you still got knex! I spent so much of my childhood playing with it.
I remember being at a science fair where they had electric powered knex and you could make things like windmills and cars etc.
I could have used some of these instructions though as I never really built anything worth keeping.
Do you need to know the model numbers to order an instruction model or can you browse your favorite models and try to build with what parts you have?
Hi Craig,
the first link caters for model numbers or kit names – you can just google some of the sets and put in the name to browse through the instructions available then you can try them with whatever pieces you have.
The Bonus Builds give you options to browse through and these might suit you better.
The designs on Instructables vary from very simple to very complex. You will need quite a lot of pieces for the larger designs.
Hope this helps! Enjoy your next building project.
We have some boxes but we cannot find PDF instructions for:
– K’Nex K’Nextra bonus models (maxima) model 1: motorbike nr32066
– K’Nex collection nr 3 ref 89423
– K’Nex collection nr 4 ref 89427
– K’Nex konstructors ref32052
Can you help ?
Kind regards,
HI Miguel, I have tried looking around for these and I am also coming up with nothing.
Sorry that I am unable to help with this one.
We have a brochure with 72 pages but the front cover is missing. Page 6 has a motorised sail racer, 10 has a trike,
12 has an octopus ride, 23 has a shuttle plane, 44 has a Ferris wheel – all with the blue triangular shaped piece with holes in. Does anyone recognise which set this is? Do you know the code number/ list of parts please? Thankyou.
Dear Knex, I am trying to get instructions for building ideas for 70 MODEL Building set. I get a WARNING: potential security risk ahead message. I’m told the issue is most likely with your website. Please instruct me where to go now.
Thank you for pointing out the issue with the links.
I am busy updating them so that they go to the right place.